Coach Profile

ICF Jakarta Charter Chapter

  • Heru Yuwono Liem


Having > 20 years of Corporate exposure as Executive, and > 10 years practicing thousands of hours as Executive & Leadership Coach &/ Mentor for hundreds of Clients. Earned ‘Triple-Masters’, the highest level of certifications from 3 most prominent global bodies in Coaching & Mentoring-GCMA (Global Coaching and Mentoring Alliance) : 1. MCC (Master Certified Coach) from ICF (International Coaching Federation)-USA 2. MP (Master Practitioner) from EMCC (European Mentoring Coaching Council)-Europe 3. MEC (Master Executive Coach) from AC (Association for Coaching)-Europe.

Coaching Specialization : Executive & Leadership
Type of Client : Personal and Organizational
Credential : MCC
Fluent Languages : Bahasa Indonesia, English
Personal Website :
Status : Active


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